Our First Boat Wotan
Wotan was our first boat. He (yes, Wotan is definitely a boy boat) taught us gently the 'rules' of boat life, was our first family home and our first step on this exciting adventure.Some days I really miss him, oddly the things I miss are also the reasons (in hindsight) we needed to move to Tilly - although it took me a lot more convincing that we needed a bigger boat than it did Duncan! The things I miss and simultaneously love the exact opposite of on our new boat Tilly are the size and the simplicity. Wotan was 32ft long, a galley/kitchen, a heads, a v-berth and a back cabin (through the centre cockpit). Cleaning Wotan - even a deep clean took a short amount of time. I could see and reach everything and knew exactly where everything was. Simplicity - it was all hand pumped cold water, simple/basic equipment, not much to go wrong, everything was manual, the most complex item was the wiring and even that was straight forward. No - what on earth is this wire for - on Wotan - within minutes you could trace that wire back through and find out what it was for with minimal disruption!
Wotan was a Westerly Renown, specs here: http://www.yachtsnet.co.uk/archives/westerly-renown/westerly-renown.htm
Wotan was sold onto another careful owner in mid-2014 who has given him a new lease of life and even buffed his hull!